Page 7 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 7
Reportin Complaints to the
Damagg Prevention Board
y now, ,,,my opym, hm hgard This aniele will int.-odttee you to the tot-tn and serve as a giiide on how to properly
that there is enforcement 511 it Out»
was-‘ding West Viv-'zlnia's dig » Please note onlv one violation per itittn
law. For example, it sontt-one -
is digging without a one call ticket. ' You will nntice a red asterisk beside same ol Ihe «quested inlormation. This
that is a violation of current law and means that the Field is a required Field. While the other information is not required to
the violator can be held accountable fill out the [Bruit it will assist in investigating or locating the alleged violation.
for the violation. Some have asked the
question, "How do i report soineone
who is violating oiir dig law?‘ steps to suoeesstnlly stilttnit an AVR:
That's a (air question. in the rtiiles
and Procedures ado ted in the West - - -
Virginia Damage otfinniin Board 5*"'°'“ Alleged Violation Report Form
(WVDPB) Section 4"'4 states that Vluusu one Dnly nllc vtniotoit |>I.‘l lmm
wvdii will provide a space on its
website for individuals and facility
owners to call and provide intoi-nation .,W, ,,,,m,
regarding a violation. Additionally.
Section ./,—t—5 states that the hoard shall
also receive eornplaints via US lnallv
telephone and entail. ‘Yoov <:otvIFKInV
An Alleged violation lieport (Avli) tot-tn
was created tor the welt as stipttlated
in the Rules and Procedures to allow < Yauv Slranl tddiots
anyone to siihrnit a complaint against
a eornpanviperson who may in he
violation oi the states dig law.
This form can he tonnd on the Darnage
Prevznlion Board‘: website at www.
sonie have asked "\iVhen shoiild i “"’ ““'°
suhrriit an AVR or when should I report 5°l“‘l
soineone who is violating the dig law?‘
To this question there is no right or e Dcslnl [lip Cndn
wrong answer. From the earliest days
of working to ineliide znforcetnenl
(editeation andior civil penalties) the
idea of enforcement was pi-ornoted weoovt oont
as a last resort. The hope was that
stalreholders woitld eontintie to try
to i-esolte issiies in the iield as they
had done in the past and it resolution ‘ '°‘" "“‘"“ "“'""“'
was not possihle, entoreentent was an
additional step to he iised to eneoiirage V
hehavioi-al ehange. Smmn I
‘pm you can sugmi, B Complain, by This seetionoi the torn is your information: it i-eqtiii-es you to enter yoiir name
Phone‘ man D, man’ ,1“ advamagg and eontaet inionnation inelnding yoiir einail address and phone niirnhei. There
D; s,,i,,,,m,,,g an AV“ is 3‘ gm you a eoiild liltely he onestionsregardiitg the eornplaint and tvithoiit the proper eontatt
gum H, Pm“, inpD,,nam,n nmmw into.-ntationit Wollldvhe iinpossilile to eontintie the investigation. Be siire to list your
to investigate the complaint. it also ‘Wit ttmta" t"‘°I‘tttatt°n» ,mN,,M,ED UN PAGE 6
he-comes available to the board or its
represutllztivu as ottieltlv as you hit the
suhmit hutton.