Page 6 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 6

WI I t C  I .t L. .
By Kecdre Adams
to you get fmslraled when ynu reach

a job site, ready Io hegin warlr only to

Find oul that yertr jnh was not marlred

mrreclly? yes. oi eeorse ynu do: with

the rise of excavations spreading aeross the state

I I - nfTexas, time is orthe essence. You dnn'I want Io
‘  ,~ ‘i have wasted hours nfmanpnwer er wasted money
. :. u . .- ' , heing paid ant due In not heing ahle to romplele
. . . xa . , , . .
. .7! 3; a dab. Leltds tallr. lwlalnt to gwe you ?ne gLeat up
.. ‘z . ‘ g t at can potentia ypreventyou roin etng
.,~_ . _ in this annoying type of situation again. The
»  " ‘v solution is simple, white lining.
_._,; ,;. u I "l i know ynu haye experienred the ealls lo the Eu
- 3‘ 2 ' V 4, _. ‘ renters where it was reallydilficult to explain the
 ., , ;.- egg‘ .- ' ~  area in question. Miseommonieation (rem the
‘fir , 1, ‘V 9: . ,g _ fi , Bu eall talrer and the excavalor can he one olthe
J ’ 4; . 'r_ - ' -‘ ; 1; ‘- r ,: reasons the job site is not marked complelely or
— .’ J3 , 1 2 t - r .i_ - -er at all.fU;ing white rnfirliings takes the gufesswclrk
 J‘ . . 'r '_ ortte t eequalion. t ere was anyeon tisian
n,-,- H . _. -_, ~r~_+ on the lncaIor's behalf. onee the loeatar is onsile
‘ - ’ ;,, - 1* and ean h sicall see where on haveoullined
P y y y
.. . 4 ,, .
 g r V at  ' your pmjecl, the eonlrtsion disappears. white
5. 19,. ' got. , lining malres the st. prnresses easier and redtiees
‘; _- ‘I. r: *3 312,- the rislr at errors (or loeators. The loeater has a
~ ,7 :’ = I- '1‘.-, ‘ elear indication oi what you need and is ahle to
1;‘. g ; ;- , perform his/herjnb more efiicienlly. The lncator
  . {W ran focus on the area in question and reel sate
 ._t-‘ K V_ knowing all parties involved in this pmjecl are
‘ ~ , , -2. pmlerled.
: ii, , , ;, -‘~.  what does this mean Io you as the excavator?
__- ; 3 -. using the praclire or white lining your area on
‘~31’: ‘ ' _ I every single project ean aid in redneing wasted
: «r. (I ;.,.; resnurces. it can help ensure your ioh site is
 ‘fr’:  marlred correclly every time. it guarantees that
‘f ‘v -Q iaeilities, property and persons involved in a
; . l_. . pmjecl remain safe. it is an important piece in
;.;t * w , _, the mmpletinn of a pmjecl. so, the next time ynu
)t>. _ J ‘ start a pmjeclr take a few mmnenls Io white line
_ . - _ V .. your area. This small step helps the tielret process
._  I  1. and talres the gtiessworlr ont oflhe equalinn tar
 -.1 “fl ’' the localors: it ensures you stan yonrioh on time;
‘t . -  't's a win—win roreyeryone. W
1 M .“ 2 ' '
~..  . 
4 . wesrweimraet 2020,!ssue2

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