Page 9 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 9
Section 1
Seclion 4
- use a damage occur as a menu ol lhls vlolmlon?
Dlreesly helnw use “other” Iexl box is
anesher required field. The Damage "33
Prevention Board wanss se know wheslser o no
a damage ocrurred as are result of she
alleged vlelaslon. The required response is ' ma a damage occur as s: vstult or um vloluriun?
yes er ne. ls yen selees ne. move down to she o M
seeslon requesting ticket infclrmalinn. No
However. if you select yes. meaning
shas a damage did occur as a resull of Unlity Typa
she violalim-l. slsen a dropdnwn menu is 605
displayed asking you se leenslsy she Iype _
as nslllsy slsas was damaged. Ynu will be “°°‘"°
able to selees more shan one nslllsy type. cm
Then mnve se she seclinn requesling tickel pl-ma
snlennassen. Wm,
Seclion 5 Sewer
ll yen selecled nes there was ne slansage °‘"°'
or if you seleesesl yes shere was a damage. 5,“,-,,,, ,-
yml are now Iaken se she seclinn where
ynu lslenslly she ticket nnnsher [ii knnwn). low“ '-cm Wmvvv 0' WW")
whelher or nol she nslllsy is a rnernher
of wv Sn and she dale and lime as she
violation [if knnwn).
_ s. the Lmdnlgvourld loenlnry nwnu a nsssnsaar as wul Illrglma am
Seclmn 6
This section is arguably she must ensleal 5°‘°°‘
serlion. First. fill ln she lnsernsaslen shas
identifigs ‘he Imam om“ vfiolation‘ Dale as ausgee Vlolullon tn Ilnuwn) nm. as Allnge-1 Vl0|BllUfI(l7IfIDW71)
Fn11owingIhat.take a lsmk as she seeslen
shas allows you Io “upload phntcls and/or
other documenlary evidence." Uplnading
a PDF er photo is really quite simple. Jusl _
click on she “File Upload" hullon and selees Sm-M 6
she s‘lnrument(s| or phclIo(s) sr-em yenr Locatlon es Alleged Vlomtlan
computer or phone slsas yen want se snhrnls
and upload. ~ss...s seer...
sulanrlsslng AVE: wlsheus any supporling
docllmentatiorl and/Dr photos will likely
end in no vinlation and ales es sr-nssraslen. w--- -mum H» =
The mare documentation yen provide se
suppon yenr alleged violation‘ she betler
ynur pnsilion. You ean upload plmtns, .c,_,, .,m,
dclcllments, sketches, pnlire reports, ese...
any dclcumenlalion slsas you think will '5“''*‘'
prove yenr ease conclusively.
Any photos snhrnlssesl will he even more '““"' “" °‘"" °"""'
eeleeslse as slsey are date and slsne slamped "°'°“'
and help: sell she slory as she violation.
ens... flnvmg res... Iocallun
Finally: once the AVR is received‘ the
enforremenl process begins as nutlined ln
she rules and procedures of she Damage
Prevention Board.
For more infnrmation about the AVR or
she ensereensens process‘ yen may mntacl '
she Board as wvdszrrlszgzpres/erlliun@gmaiI. Plans: upload any phases and/ov asrseraacumensurv evidence
com, cal1G8l—2E5—g24g or ylsls use website as
ll/ll/ll/.u/vsiybrorrl and elirk en she “rules as 2
procedures" . -
2020, Issue 2 West Wglma 511 . 7