Page 14 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 14

comwusu FEOM PAGES Damage lteport Forin? who fills it out? notepaoisi pens; mlnon forms, cameras.
who gets it? who and where is it filed? -ne_asurm_-g dome (tape -neasure or the

stalreholders shoiild he tanght that the Thai? and ma, c.,,,§;dm.;c.,,5 should Rhino llit Kit).

goal of an invzstigation is not to find he determined prior to the investigation. 3 Wm" am, ,_m ,0 mm 1,”
‘°’"“°"° ‘° “"““*' 1”“ ‘° ““‘.°Vf*" ‘1“ “you don't have a plan, you can‘ be inueslignliarl. According to yoni- plan...
cause of the damage so that si.nilai- T..__ . Rmgmm he mnsimm

events can he avoided in the lntnie. ‘ * *

The truth is that many times dainage _ . .- M if. Collzcl tltefnus. some of this
investigations tail to aehieve its goal. xx .. /3 _ 1; - is Colnlncln sense and some otit is
There ai-e many i-easons tor that. hot  ~ . _.. .1. - a training. colleeting the {arts is hest
laelr ottime. knowledge. desire and _ .. 7 ' =2» . - aehieved by an investigatoi- who is
aeeonntahility ai-e all roadhloelrs to e‘ 3 '§s~ 1:. _ M perceived as honest, eiirioiis, triendly
completing a good damage investigation. ;'—_ t «f . ' and respeetlnl. Being ohjeetive and
Co-nbaulwseissueshy dediratinztlw ' ' A _ v- V \‘ analytical are zxczllent oiialities that
time and training it talres to learn hoiv Km t « ..«~ 3? allow the investigator to ivrite down

to properly investigate the damage and , - _ x \ ivhat you see and what you hear. it may
identity the proximatz eanse. create a { ' .; ‘a he neeessary to ask rpiestions (although
saleiy enltiire that othei-s can trust and . -M4‘ ‘; ,3‘, V . sometimes the damage invesligation
ihai eneoni-ages eomplianee and you'll .-v 1' _ V { . oeeiirs when no one is there]. llyoii
see a safer west Virginia. '1‘ . ‘ '2  iniist interview soineone, learn to he
The Lenzfits of a consistent damage . |t_ -‘ i g I 3 “egg.” 1;;'°""f"*f 1‘ ll". Sfm.“ '°.
invzsligalion are preventing . J. ‘ ~ 5“ {"5 ““.°‘ °“‘ ‘’ ‘.““‘ “”‘°‘“‘

. . ,. ,. . i not intei-rnpting or rnshing to the nzxt
"”°°‘“"°“‘° °“"“"" ‘*“’"‘5‘“* ' " ‘ - i” I iiestion The inteiview is not {or the
preventing potential injurizs, & \ ' ‘. CU.‘ “‘ . ' . . . .
wmimmus imprmmm and an ten o eloelr neivs. dont act as it this is
improved bum“ “M eonsistent. If you dont have a plan, yon hrealring neivs. liist learn the facts and
can't hold one another accmlnlahlz loi- the-r perspect-vn Part of rolled-nz the
consider these six steps (or a siieeesslnl not tollowing the plan. laets is eertainly learning how to talre
damage invzsligalion. M , . . k. good plwowgralnhs and draw legible
D I I Wh d h 2- An_=v- 2 rm 1""?-f"9""°" }'- slretehes. REll1€ll1h€|’“Il1Ey do not tell
i. :v2‘4?p ii )1) n::.D en oest e Yum‘ hit shonld eontain everything ‘I19 “my D‘ a damage In a Wm who
inves iga ion s ai ._ o you require yon 1] need to eondnet athorongh ism l,,mW,1, “M, be mm and who
phoios oi- skettlwzs.’ Do you have a investigation. it woiild inelnde
,‘. N.
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12~ Wes! vveimiaii 2020 issv. 2

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