Page 13 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 13

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eilherparty. Cmlsequenliv,frustrations Nut marking the entire\vm'i(siIeisa enjoyzizie 1° 1a1k 1., the mks amhs

uccllrred for bulk the exravalnr and common occllrrenre. 1.. many uses, 11 1s ufiire. hm oft limes they dun‘: really

lucator and but]: suffered down lime as Ihe dam: result I2!‘ unclear instructions know what's Uninv an 1| the -01: sile.

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Ihe result. And the dawn lime cast but]: an the asks. and almost always 50, having the cell number 0111.9 site
cum aniesintlleirimllonllines. cum nunded bvlhe lzcknfwI1ite iininu sn eiwisurnrtilecunlarl ersnnun
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1° underslznd for lucamrs, 1.». The 13" ea een the me‘ im mes me

lucatorsarelnukinwfnrsperific 3‘ 5. . 1’ . . . 1.. this very diffirull lime nicuping

, . a communication process and mmumzes . .. .- . . , .
Infonnalmntllallelslhemknuw ‘he lemme’ demm_m__edueee wnlh social disIanr1ng,ne\'er has .1

where In mark. vv1111s lining around ‘he Wseibiliw e‘ dewn=fime for bed‘ been more i|npm1anl to minimize face

a proposed excavation arsa tells ‘he §:me‘e__>end lemme “me In sacs disrussinns. wlms lining and

Ihem where 1.] spassd tune finding ‘ “nine and mmw m__ki_ee are efieefive sharing good conlacl nlunhers can
Ilndergrmuid ..1.1.uss once they zrnve — . » . . . goalong way 1.; not unlv prnmnle a

. » methods 01 rnmmunicaling an a pi: —. . - »

on site. Because the lucatnr has a dear she wheehee lme or emfi healthy lilestyle, 11.11 can create a safer
indiralinn of the exravalion a.-sa, less ' = ‘ enviromnenl even ailer we nverrolne

lime is spent on areas where excavation However. there are Limes when Ihe Ihis national crisis.

will not nrclxr. This gives Ihe lnrzlur the lncalor and excavator must (all: 1.] 1

. epnneann 121' an. _ a.-s lose
~ 1-1 1 11 1 sh 11
lime 1° accllralely locate 11.1.19.-g.-.m...1 one another on the phone. To make me numbers and U V “Me new fee
farilitieslllatneed prolerliundllring Ihal happen, the lnralor mnsl ilavea 1’_ fie Hue d J [3, =
excavation. gnndmnlacl number. Nuttl1atit's1mL 1”“ 3 "H" 5 *-‘-W
21720, rssuzi W:-sx 1.11517"! 511 ‘ 11

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