Page 18 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 18

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e have all had a safety have learned a few and want In share s.m.i, ii is impmani .0 Plan a... .he
lnresenvhdatxc-ni a SPEGCDQL ihein with you. pninls Io he made. i use an outline so
an em em rei-on. I at . . . Ihat l ean develo or conlrasl ihose
did ddd hm dd ddsddd lview all eonnnnnieaiion and all speech mm as d M ml; dddidmds looks

impact. was not viewed as we had ‘’ “““‘‘““Y P“‘‘‘“‘“ '“.“““‘."*‘ W‘ of underslanding or mnfusion. And
h°l2ed- The ‘eeling when ‘his happens ‘H k'“’;” 3 ‘“ 5fi‘l“;P°‘I‘‘'.‘‘ '5 "W515 ‘° keeping these eleinenis simple is

is disheanening, hm contrasted with Pm“ 9 “5- W_ e1 er}! -5 as in/-ng ddddddd , was always taught dd dd“
when it does, Ihe mxrespnnding elailon is “(make an an-fienee 115:1" *0 '1“ my dudiem whd, , was Find ,0 (9,,
wonderful» 5“ “V ‘’‘?“‘'S 2" ""‘ '.'d“ TE‘ “‘.‘°”‘ ihen. tell ihen snininarize what!

our version o an idea en , serving as . ' '

As i have lnenlioned helore in these a wilnessd or buying a car lroin us‘ !“5_‘ W“ ‘F‘’""_“"‘* '"°“ °" ‘° 3 "*‘V_
articles, prior tn going into construction we are always persuading. With that P°'“‘> V‘*“““}'“E 59”“ "° ‘°"5‘“!“"’°
and dismvering my role in safely, 1 realiaaiion eorne a lew aximns vvonh P“'P°‘“' W’,“1° “ ‘°““"‘ “""5°‘ 3‘
sianed lile as a leaeher. Despile thal,l1wis oreseniing. ‘”°"‘5- “'1” W ‘“° “em °‘ 3 ‘I“*§"°“
was only a small portion oi my wnrking _ , , or mr_n-went, xt allows me In regam my
mm d, profoundly impede d me an d rirszdonidgodl lsdlo move an adidienee dn-eehon quickly and arcurately.

siill does to this day. l taught English and :5‘ m {Wt Ea ;°_' :3; €'°d'P) 3:?" PW“ -1-mi, fi,u_,W,,,P m,,,P,m the
seeeeh cemmunseaueus. while I enievea . d? P_;""d - -"ed ‘.5 V;  “Yd” understanding lnop. In our oneness,
English, it was the soeeeh pnrlicln tlnal m {whee it" an eiuve v- We nee (0 3 Id‘ dmm whd wo,k,1md am
new loved. and when I learned me-e ff“ ‘d"§_ °‘j;f“ W“ ““‘.;‘f P‘’'“‘ more Iarlile in more ahoul
§;“;;f;7 5;:;‘;;;g§';;3;:;;;*:;‘eml‘ .i§e’.‘;“aaZ ii ef!,.“{§;,“ii:;?ei viiiiii ages are 1",arine- so dedslahe eeaesv-sl

_ . . a mly or written iesis. o Ien pracllta
vaxious hoards. And i still helieve inysell hole ‘heme Th-s es why}-m-s gm-ps dx dddmds ddddddd Sdmd “what is
to he a teacher» 1"" '“,“‘,'d"’*‘ '“f““"‘1‘fi‘.""§T"?‘“f"“"'“ wrpcmg vviihlhis oieingre? slides will he
s my, ave a ways e ieve .|n]ec s _ . '

The ability In cmnmunicate and some personal experience into the '“°‘* °““‘’“-

the iinoonanee of it are eriiieal. disrussion and often eiyslalliaes hnlh o1,v;.,,.S],,_ ,1m.E mid he mm ,0 dds
while we have seen a hreahdovvn in ihe idea In he presented and provides d,.;e1e_ Ln,,,,,;eS 0; .e,e.i,.,.,ke have been
eoininnnieaiions in our eonniry most a memory that the listener ean resall. w.i..e.1 aha... ihe Shh,-eel, ha. ,,e.l.a,,e
pmmmently |n ihe political realnr, we i will ohen ask sorneone who does m:-I mas °ga,;ng Wm ,,,c.v;d,, help ;.,, you
tanncll let it pznneale our everyday know the specifics i will he presenling .,E;_,,.E you vise, (ha, md,.dW_ .
exisienee. \V11aI are ihe rnarkers for In review my presenlalinn in order to

sneeess that we lnnk (or, «he Iechniques allow me to fill any voids [1131 l have M Iset '!<W’yreWe4  v-«elmre»: «me
to use and the pitfalls Io avoid? while I overlooked. “W” ’ ”“’ "‘ L“ '" “/3" ”“"‘"e "“”/“’

, M ll.a.. .$Jyt‘4lr\
have inade mistakes through ihe yearsv l
ia. west‘/lrgmlxsll aaao, Issue 1

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