Page 17 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 17
Was Angbodg Hurt.
W mm mm heneyer an ineidens oreurs — ous in she iield
or in she shop, "was anyhody hurl?" is she first
me may Center . . .
mm" MS ouessson shas erosses your rnsnd. And well is
v should he:
A worker injured on she ioh ran he handirapped ior liie — and
whos gonna pay ior his care? If he works ior you and you dons
haye worker-s' eornp insurance — guess who's gonna pay ior all
oi shis.
lianyone works for you — even pan sirne — you're really rolling
she dire if you don't carry workers eornp.
gl. “My ssase says i don's have so." No‘ your ssase says you ruuss
have is ii you have a eenain nurnher or employees. is doesn't say
. ' , anyshing as all ahous how you're nos liahle so pay medical bills
‘ 1, and rehah and loss wages ii sorneone who works ior you gess
‘ hurs on she jnh. Because you are liahle.
-- consider a ear wreck ior juss a rnornens. Les's say you send
t‘ , ' sorneone so she hank so make a deposis or drop oer mail driving
one oi your vehicles‘ sruek hauling eouipmens ior eranspler
'_ and shere is a wreek. is doesn't rnasser whose iauls is is. whas
' - massers is shas your ernployee is l|urI—wait, was shere nsore
shan one eruployee in shas vehicle? workers corup pays ior
, i ) unlirnised — yes unlimited — medieal hills. And rehah. is even
/ ‘ , ,4 \ pays loss wages ior a certain nuruher oi weeks
~ - ’ why would any husinessrnan pus hinsseli in shas prediraruens
when workers cornp is a eoss oi doing husiness and is
o, V deductible? Juss as dedursihle as she diesel iuel used so run
\ \ ' 7:, . / shas ereayasor. ox, shey oisen only buy liahilisy insuranee
Q‘ . heeause is is required — eisher hy sheir Board oi consrassors
" ___, e or she job shey are doing. But ii sorueshing goes wrong, she
- insurance agens is she Ash person so know ahous is. righs hehind
. a, ‘I she guy who did is, she guy he did is so and you, she conlraclor.
F‘ .. J 9 . .r
i‘ You can erelude yourseli irons eoyerage if you choose‘ but
2 s. ' why on earsh would you?? 11': she mnsl inexpensive, rnoss
, J \ eomprehensiye eoyerage ior job relased injury on she planes:
/ ,- B S Remember shas pan ahous “lost wagEs'":‘ Ynu also need so know
u M . shas a los oi healsh insuranre eornpanies are deelining so pay
. work—relased injury claims.
\ " " Yes. workers eornp eornpanies audis your payrolls every year-
, I so he sure shey are eollersing she nghs arnouns oi prerniurn —
.~ . .; and yes‘ if your payrolls are less shan expeclede you will ges
‘ _; . a reiund. More insporsansly, if your payrolls ereeed whas was
anliripalede your workers are soyered anyway, and she prerniurn
‘ _ won't be eollessed ior shem unsil ners audis or renewal:
r ' Guys — going shon on insurance isn's saying you rnoney as
- all—i|'s rossing you in she long run. l was onee sold, "your ioh
is so sen rne insuranrer No, aesually. my job is keeping you ous
oi ananeial srouhle in she eyens oi an aeeidens. whesher ifs a
/ rnissake you nsighs have rnade, a red lighs your guy deeided
so run‘ a ladder shas slipped—she opporsunisies ior loss are
in ruoss eases. eouns on Workers' consp so sake rare oi is for
you and shernl .
2020, Issue lwesrl/lrgmll: s11 . 15