Page 14 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 14

Be aware Of pipeline markers
in your neighborhood
and at your worksite
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Many Pipnline companies regularly neighhor and provide you with this aia 1.a1P;a1i.i lofafing PiPa1i.ia5_ (hgy
iuspnrt their iigi-ts—of—ivay using aii: important into.-rnaiion Io help ii you dn nol provide inforrnalion such as how
‘°°‘ °' WW“ P““'°'5- Tn?“ ‘mined suspeci a problem in your area. Pipeline many pipelines are helaw in‘ the deplh
anspeuo-s look for no-enuai denser to companies an he san operation of ii is im Tia P_.i,_my ,u,m,n Di
pipslines such as <_ons_truction activity iheir inrrasrrnsrnre se.-ionsly,_ whirlm ihese markers is In identify the location
°' “Ens °‘ E“ °‘1“I"“* ‘Em T119“ includes proternng your family. your of the pipeline generally as an alen lo
inspnrnnns along ti-nir pipeline routes properly and she environment. Beeanse iima who migiir iii wnrking alnng riia
an? in ensurn inn snrnrny and iningrny of this di1igence,im*idents are very rare. pipaiinp m,,idc,, fin. another many
ohheirliues» . . ordurin theconslruclht-nof}\mnes
Foryoursafely. pipelines are markzd _b .3 h 11 Mb
Pipelineeornpanieslreepininneh i,y_.,i,c,V,ig,,,,,n_isig,mc, Pmide cu usuiessesi1_ear_:«-Yc-us ou_ 9
on a regular hasis with einergeney an indicaiim, Di iiiai, Prasaim awnrn of any Pipnlinn m3‘_'k9T5 in your
ofiirials and work with local enae.-geney ,pP,.°xi,,,m imiion‘ mmiai (maid i_1eig1u1mrhood- As the s-jiying goes’
responders alangpipeline n'ghLs—o{'way and the name and cnnlan inrorrnanon “"°‘” Y°““"“E“‘°"5- “"“°‘*°‘_""‘1“
in case or an einergeney, sometimes 0; iiia mmpany ii,“ Dpmies iim narnn and plunnn numbers appnannz
even Iraining with lire deparlmenls or Pipzim Markers may in anywhm an int P‘P?]“"° mark?-‘S in rain of
hazardous materials unils. Even though aiimg iim ,igi,.,c.;,way (3 mil, 0; im einergency»
{I231} °T5Pi1]35_‘3XU"~‘mE_1Y unlikely. _ usually ahout25to I50 feel wide that pipeline inarlrers are important {or
Ff‘P°]““‘3 mrnpanies pifovidn mfnnnanc-n conlains a pipeline] or direeily over ihe saiely of the general pnhlie. It is a
like that which you wi1_l find on the ihe pipeline itself. These markers are federal eriine for any person Io willfully
following pages that will prepare Y?" gene.-ally yellow, black and real in solor. aiaiaes, aiamaga, iainavi 0.. dg5|;'Dy any
in-hezvenuhautdoes om-r.Their The pipeline may not followa straight pipeline signs or-nghlonwayrnarlrer.
hope is to continue to he a quiet course heiween markers. While markers
12. west wan. s11 aaao, Issue 1

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