Page 12 - West Virgina 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 12
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iprlin-is are lhn -:«|1e|‘gy The us. has m: 1ax'gzslnzn\'ork su‘aL'Is. lhr:)u._I:h x\zi,_<:l1h:)rho(-ds and
lililin-as of many of our of axmx'gypipe1ix\L-s of any "am." m,,,,,,,,,mE5‘ and l,.m1,,,g ;,E1.,“.
daily mimics‘ Iran} driving in lhz wi-rld.Tl1ere are niore than farmland. |:)rzsls and des-Eris. saw
.—.u.- .:ha1d.-an to school ;:na,ooox1|i1-:«s:)I‘ ml pipnilnms .‘\n1:3ric:«n.< consunmn|m'etl1:«n
and heanng our lmnms‘ to buying and 3m..:..:..:. miles L7‘ natural gas 700 ,,,;mL,,, gallm 0, pm.Q,,:,,_,,_
gr(n:Lvries ax my store dclivcrrd by pipelinzs all across my mumry. pr(-ducts per day, pip-:‘lin-is ax‘-3
truu:l:s um run on diesel. 1-hm1;.1.;.s .1.-.: mcked Imdzr am‘ an essential ti-mpunem .;11.u,~
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