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 from the desk of
Jerry Poage
Hello to all our friends and stakeholders in West Virginia! We are most definitely running wide open as construction appears to be everywhere
you look. One thing is sure. Our office has been flooded with requests for training and education for members, contractors and even homeowners to better understand West Virginia’s dig law. This class is roughly an hour long and we are working around your schedule the best we can. If anyone would like to set up a class, please reach out to me at 540-819-2093. Brandon and I are here for you.
I really appreciate those of you who share with us that the training is beneficial to you and your company. The questions you’ve asked us have been great questions and hopefully by getting on the same page, damages and misunderstandings will be reduced in the days and weeks to come.
We have also been doing multiple training in different locations, There have been times that we’ve conducted as many as 5 classes a day. We feel that is what it is going to take to make West Virginia a safer place to live and work.
We’ve also started doing late ticket reports to all our members that utilize positive response. We have seen a decrease in dig-up tickets and an increase with on-time performance. Make sure you have the positive response button checked on your portal page.
In closing, let me ask you if you’ve ever heard the old saying “what you don’t know can’t hurt you”? Well, let me assure you if you’re digging without calling 811, there are some things underground that can hurt you and will hurt you if you strike the wrong utility line. West Virginia 811 is committed to making all stakeholders aware of the importance of calling 811 before you dig. Calling 811 is the best first step you can make when excavating in our state. Now then, be patient and wait until the marks are on the ground, then dig safely!
The life you save may well be your own!
Jerry Poage Executive Director West Virginia 811
  2024, Issue 2
West Virginia 811 • 1

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